James, Aria & Sasha

“Blessed and happy is he that ariseth to promote the best interests of the peoples and kindreds of the earth.” -Bahá’u’lláh

“Do not be content with showing friendship in words alone, let your heart burn with loving kindness for all who may cross your path.” -‘Abdul-Bahá

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Hi everyone,

They got dad/Jere up early today to take him down to rehab to begin walking a bit, but he was pretty weak and dizzy. He had thrown up his breakfast just before they came to get him. The doctor came later and said his blood count was down and he needed two more blood transfusions and more IV fluids. That's what they're doing now. Actually they're re positioning the needles because he jerks a lot in his sleep and pulls the existing ones out. I think with all of the drugs, he's beginning to hallucinate a lot and imagine things happening in front of him. He also talks a lot in his sleep.

We managed with much effort to bath him this morning (he really can't stand or walk on his own yet and needs lots of support). We thought that maybe we could leave the hospital this weekend, but I'm not so sure now.

Flinn is here and is so helpful. There's always something to do. We keep running out to buy things at the Whole Foods market that we think he'll eat, but we're now back to cream of wheat! All the water tastes bad to him, and we keep looking for just the right combination of things in the water so that he'll consume more. He's just not taking in enough liquid and thus the reason for yet another IV.

Sorry this is such a down letter. Some days are better than others.

Love you all



  • At September 14, 2007 12:00 PM, Blogger PAULA MORIARTY said…

    To Jere & family
    I am an old friend of Jere's from the early 1960's.My heart goes out to all of you for the sufferings you are sharing with Jere. I am a cancer survivor and have some things that helped me get through my own ill health. For nausea suppositories Prochlorperazine. If meds are not tolerated orally they can be given rectally. Ginger and ginger ale helps to settle the stomach. The medication Zofran and probably newer meds like this have strong antinausea qualities.
    I am praying for all of you. Please say hello to Jere for me.
    Paula Moriarty

  • At September 14, 2007 3:14 PM, Blogger Parviz/Anne Ighani said…

    Dear Jere,

    I'm writing you from Guatemala Huquq Conference. The Board of Trustees and all the participating Huququ'llah Representatives asked me to send you their warmest greetings and best wishes. We're starting all our sessions with prayers for your health and well being. You have been an exemplary worker for the Institution of Huququ'llah. There's a big void at the conference and we lament your absence very deeply.

    We have received many new guidance from the Office of Huququ'llah at the Holy Land and I cannot wait to see you back in Costa Rica and share some of the exciting news.

    We love you dearly and miss you very much.

    With loving greetings,

    Parviz on behalf of our Huquq Board


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