James, Aria & Sasha

“Blessed and happy is he that ariseth to promote the best interests of the peoples and kindreds of the earth.” -Bahá’u’lláh

“Do not be content with showing friendship in words alone, let your heart burn with loving kindness for all who may cross your path.” -‘Abdul-Bahá

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Mother's group

Every month there is a mother's group (which fathers are invited to as well - James always comes!). New mothers get together and talk, share experiences, learn from and support each other. This month we learned basics of baby sign language! Here are a couple of pictures with one of the women that was in our birthing class. We spent six weeks together (with three other couples) while we were pregnant getting ready for labor, and she actually went into labor the last day of our class! This is a picture of her little boy, Jaden with Sasha at the mothers group.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Los Alamos

My smiley little princess

This little outfit was a gift (among many) from Barry and Kathy, thank you so much! It's too big on her but too cute to wait! : )

James, Sasha and I met up with James' parents in Los Alamos (where James is originally from - about two hours north of Albuquerque!) We had an Easter dinner with the rest of the family up there and decided to go for a small hike in the mountain before dinner. Sasha loved it! She was making all kinds of noises, babbling away and laughing! : )

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Carolina and Patrick

My sweet Carolina got married!! What a beautiful couple! We love you!

Cute t-shirt

Friday, April 14, 2006

cutie pie : )

Friday, April 07, 2006

more daddy time...

Thursday, April 06, 2006

learning to roll over

Sasha turned 4 months today! She has been practicing rolling over from her back onto her stomach, and now she masters it! She can't roll back over yet, but she's learning quickly!: )