James, Aria & Sasha

“Blessed and happy is he that ariseth to promote the best interests of the peoples and kindreds of the earth.” -Bahá’u’lláh

“Do not be content with showing friendship in words alone, let your heart burn with loving kindness for all who may cross your path.” -‘Abdul-Bahá

Friday, September 29, 2006

new clothes

Dear Barry and Kathy sent us more adorable clothes for Sasha!
Here she is modeling two outfits!

She's getting really tall. We're going to have to move everything from off the top of the shelves now.

She loves climbing up things. Here she is on top of the set of shelves we got for her toys.

This morning it seemed she didn't want James to leave for school. She kept holding on to his shorts, or his leg, and didn't let him go. : (

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Sasha loves her stuffed animals. She especially loves her 'lobo' (wolf). Almost every time she sees lobo, she lays her head down on him and gives him a hug! We finally got a couple of pictures of it. : )

We've been reading "The Baby Book" by William and Margaret Sears (one of the best and most wonderful gifts given to us by Colin and Britt - thank you so much!) It has lots of ideas for games to play and activities for different age groups. Babies love to open cabinet doors and empty everything off of shelves. And one idea this book has is to get them their own set of cabinets and fill the shelves with container type toys, pots and pans and their favorite toys. So we did just that. Here's James building the cabinet and Sasha crawling on top of it.

One of the indigenous groups in Costa Rica are the Guaymi. They hand make these beautiful dresses that all of the women wear. Some dear friends of ours, Anne and Parviz Ighani have been living with the Guayi for years and had one of the women make this little dress for our Sasha! We were so touched to receive such a beautiful gift! It's a little big on her, which is good; Sasha is growing fast and will be able to wear it very soon! Here's a picture of a little Guaymi girl, and a picture of Sasha with her new dress!

Monday, September 25, 2006


Patti gave Sasha these cute overalls! -Thank you!!-

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Sasha had her first bad fall. She's gotten bumps here and there but this one scraped her face. : ( She was walking outside and fell, and although she caught herself with her hands, she still fell on her face. She didn't cry very much so maybe it just looks worse than it is. You can see a big scab above her left eye.
Also, here are three more videos.
One Two Three

Patrick, learning how to ride a bike! : )

Saturday, September 23, 2006

some old pics of Sasha

We're getting rid of our phones so we had to upload all the pictures on them. These were the ones on James' phone.
Some of them are pretty old.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Two more

Monday, September 18, 2006

Another video of Sasha

Friday, September 15, 2006


Tuesday, September 12, 2006


This video was taken in Denver at the baseball game.

sleep crawling!

Sasha used to sleep with us in our bed, but now she crawls around too much and we all end up keeping each other awake. So now she has her own room. James and I take turns sleeping with her at night. It's also a good solution for when she takes her naps. She sleeps on a mattress on the floor. This is ideal because of her tendency to sleep crawl! We'll put her down in one position, with pillows all around her, turn on the monitor and leave the room. We have the monitor set so that we can hear any little peep coming from her room. When we go in to check on her, she'll have moved completely and be in the cutest positions, without making any noise. Last night we took a picture of one of the positions she gets into, far from where we left her!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Sunday, September 10, 2006

to lunch with friends

We went over to Sjona and Jason's for lunch today. Neda was there too. It was great to see them and lunch was delicious!
We love you guys!
We uploaded the same video of Sasha walking. A lot of people said it didn't work, but it should this time.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Duck pond at UNM

The University of New Mexico has a beautiful duck pond. It's a really nice area with huge Weeping Willow trees overhanging the ponds, and a little wooden bridge to connect them. On our way we ran into some friends from our Mother's group. These are wonderful people! Their names are Sasha and Irini and thier little 13 month old boy is named Zen. He is beautiful!
Here's one picture where, unfortunately, I didn't get the whole family. Sasha is being covered by our Sasha! : (