James, Aria & Sasha

“Blessed and happy is he that ariseth to promote the best interests of the peoples and kindreds of the earth.” -Bahá’u’lláh

“Do not be content with showing friendship in words alone, let your heart burn with loving kindness for all who may cross your path.” -‘Abdul-Bahá

Saturday, July 29, 2006


Tuesday, July 25, 2006

She can crawl!!

Sasha is now able to crawl!! James and I are so happy! Every time she started inching along, we would lift her body onto her knees and soon after she would flop back onto her belly. But I guess today she finally decided it was much easier to move around on her hands and knees and has continued to do so all afternoon!

She has also learned how to clap! And the most adorable thing is that every time we say "hooray!" she starts clapping!

On a hike! : )

More standing

With Daddy

Monday, July 24, 2006

Almost crawling!

Sasha is practically crawling! She still prefers to inch along the floor, but she can get up onto her hands and knees and will sometimes take a few steps that way!

She has definitely mastered standing up. She walks while holding both our hands, although she is also able to walk just by holding on with one hand!! We want her to crawl before she learns to walk because we've heard and read of the developmental benefits of crawling. She'll inch along the floor for a little while, but as soon as she can find something to grab on to, she'll pull herself right up on her own!!

Happy baby, Exhausted parents! : )

Friday, July 21, 2006

she loves her baths! : )

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


James and I had been looking into getting a juicer for a while, but they were all too expensive! Finally we found one for $20! It's James' new toy! Every day he makes us delicious, refreshing juices. He's always trying new combinations of fruits and vegetables. We also are now able to make homemade food for Sasha! She really enjoys the juices we make as well. Here is a picture of James feeding her some cantaloupe/peach juice.

As soon as he took the spoon out of her mouth (she wouldn't drink it any other way) her mouth was wide open waiting for more!

More please, Daddy!! : )

Monday, July 17, 2006

another hike

getting ready for Feast

Saturday, July 15, 2006

new trick

One of Sasha's favorite things to do is stand between two chairs and move from one to the other on her own. She'll do this for hours! : ) It's very cute.

Bath time!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Birthday and Anniversary

Today is my Mom and Dad's anniversary!
29 years! : ) Congratulations!!

Today is also my wonderful Dad's birthday! We love you both so much! : )

new face : )

Sasha makes this new cute/silly face by wrinkling her nose and puckering up her lips!!

She's also getting really good at standing by herself and even climbing up things.